I’ve heard it a million times and watched them stand up in front of me while showing us the same old stuff. I am talking about the “safety demonstration” that so many of you have seen countless times. So why is it important for you to still pay attention?
Videos by TravelAwaits
Well, there are too many reasons to count, but here are a few that may make you sit up and take notice next time. Put your phone down, pause your movie, and hold off on your conversation. Listening could save your life.
Flight Attendant Duties
Flight attendants have several duties to perform while in the sky. They make sure you are comfortable on your flight, serve you a favorite beverage and light snack, and answer questions you may have. You’ve probably seen them after the flight picking up what passengers have left behind. But their most important role is to keep you safe.
Flight Attendant Training
They are well trained and receive continuous training throughout their careers. Flight attendants are taught the operations of each aircraft they are on. They also learn the specific code words for emergencies as to not cause additional chaos during a crisis. Flight attendants are well versed in how to safely evacuate an aircraft, both on land and sea. They are trained on all emergency equipment on-board, including how to construct a raft during a water landing, opening and closing doors, and the use of the AED.
When To Listen
The safety demonstration is always performed right before take off. This hopefully ensures it is top-of-mind for each passenger while on-board. Your attention is crucial in case you ever need to use the equipment. Understanding the use of the equipment could save your life or someone around you.
Pro Tip: The exit row isn’t just for additional leg room. If you are in the exit row, please review the safety card and make sure you understand how to operate the window. This could mean the difference between life and death for you and other passengers.
What To Do
Passengers who fail to comply with the safety instructions not only put their lives at risk, but yours as well.
Oxygen Mask
The first thing to understand is how to put on the oxygen mask. First, place it over your nose and mouth and breathe normally. This may seem difficult during an emergency but try not to panic or it will be harder to breath with the oxygen mask. Pinch the bag to ensure air is flowing.
Next, you will want to know the proper way to exit the plane in an emergency. Just like with a fire, leave your belongings. Don’t grab your suitcase or carry-on. You take nothing with you. The instructions are literally leave everything behind. If you don’t, you could get yourself, or others, hurt or killed. Your carry-ons could also put a hole in the slide or life raft.
Tray Table And Seat
There’s a reason you’re told to put your tray tables and seats in an upright position. This will help get people out of their seats quickly during an evacuation and help if you need to brace for impact by putting your head down between your legs.
Pro Tip: I suggest putting all your travel documents in an easily accessible ziplock bag. You can always grab that out of your carry-on and place it inside your shirt.
We are all in it together when we take to the skies. So listen to the video and be prepared to help those around you if there is an emergency. You would want them to help you!
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