How to Run with Wild Horses in Maryland (and Virginia)

Two Names, One Island: Assateague Island is divided between Maryland and Virginia, with each state having a different name for it.

Feral Horses: Both states are home to wild horses, but they're officially known as "mustangs" in Maryland and "ponies" in Virginia.

Spanish Origins: The horses can trace their ancestry back to a Spanish galleon that sank centuries ago.

Three Distinct Areas: The island is divided into three sections: Assateague State Park, Assateague Island National Seashore, and Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge.

Camping and Beaches: All three areas offer camping, beaches, and outdoor activities like hiking, biking, and kayaking.

Pony Spotting: The Assateague Island National Seashore is the best place to see wild horses.

Wildlife Refuge: The Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge is ideal for birdwatching and exploring marshlands.

Pony Penning: The annual pony penning carnival in Chincoteague is a unique event where the ponies are rounded up for a fun-filled parade.

Rules to Follow: Visitors are encouraged to maintain a distance from the horses and avoid feeding them to protect their health.

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Want to know how to run with Wild Horses in Maryland? Read this complete article!